Day 1: 17 May 2017
Registration 08:00 09:30
Session 1: Setting the scene (keynote speakers)
Chairman : Robert Sarfati (UIC-SYSTRA)
- UIC Welcome Speech, Jean-Pierre LOUBINOUX, Director General
- EC DG MOVE: Future European Rail: an EC perspective, De Grandis Carlo, Policy Officer
- ERA: Rail Interoperability: where we are and future challenges, Josef DOPPELBAUER, Executive Director
- ETSI: A Global Rail System Standardisation Body , Luis Jorge ROMERO, Director General
- UITP: Urban Rail expectations for Future communication systems: Convergence benefits, Jean Marc CHAROUD, Head of the RATP engineering division, RATP
- Frequentis-ROC IG: Railway Operational Communications on the Move, Thomas KARL, Public Transport Division Director
Coffee Break 11:00 11:45
Session 2: From network to Applications
Chairman: Robert Sarfati (UIC-SYSTRA)
Managing the assets: Evolution from vertical to horizontal Rail Transport Applications
- UIC FRMCS: The Future Railway Mobile Communication System, Dan MANDOC Network Rail Professional Head - Telecoms
- ETSI TC-RT: GSM-R developments as enablers towards FRMCS, Ingo WENDLER SBB CFF FFS
- Nokia-ROC IG: Application centric future network architecture, Michael KLOECKER
- Siemens-ROC IG: On-board radio evolution & operational applications, Ciro De Col
Q&A+ Panel Discussion 12:45 13:15
Lunch Break 13:15 14:30
Session 3: An Intelligent Transport Ecosystem
Chairman: Alex Raviart (Infrabel)
This addresses the improvement of passengers’s experience. Open minds related to Smart Cities, Smart transport evolution. automated guided vehicles and rail-based mass transit
- Kapsch-ROC-IG: Digitalisation and Rail evolution, Michael MIKULANDRA
- Alstom-ROC-IG: Towards an intelligent rail transport System, Pierre COTELLE
- Rolling Stock Industry, Siemens AG: Train of the future, Matthias MAIER
- MERCE: How Rail transport could benefit from 5G, David MOTTIER
Q&A+ Panel Discussion 15:15 15:45
Coffee Break 15:45 16:30
Session 4: At the heart of the technological evolution of Rail system
Telecom Technology is evolving very rapidly. The future Rail System will be able to support transition from GSM-R to various Radio Access technologies while covering the Users expectations.
- OBB: Users viewpoint on evolution, Christian VEITS
- Ericsson: Meeting Users expectations with New Radio technologies, Claudio DIOTALLEVI
- Iskratel-ROC-IG: How IMS could facilitate migration from legacy towards FRMCS, Matjaž JELEN
- CARS (China): Overview of Railway Communications Technology Evolution in China, LIANG Yiqun
Q&A, Closing Remarks 17:30 18:00
Social Event 17 May
20.00 23.00
Networking Dinner Cruise in the Paris-Seine Boat
Day 2: 18 May 2017
Session 5: Seeking for convergence
Chairman: Chiel Spaans (ERA)
Potential synergies, technical and geographical convergence.
- Frequentis-ROC-IG: Inter-domain convergence of digital communication, Markus MYSLIVEC
- UIC: Cyrail facts and findings, Marie-Hélène BONNEAU
- Shift2Rail: Rail Mobile Communications evolution, Claudio MONTI, S2R IP2 Coordinator
Q&A+ Panel Discussion 10:00 10:30
Coffee Break 10:30 11:15
Session 6: Managing the transition
Chairman: Erica Willborg (EIM)
Maintain existing applications and introducing new applications needed for Rail transport development. Future EU legal framework to achieve it
- ERA: The EU legal framework evolution, Chiel SPAANS
- Funkwerk-ROC-IG: Future proofing of investments with FRMCS, Gottfried WINTER
- CER/EIM: Strategical views on Spectrum, Helène ARFAOUI KAYNAK
Q&A+ Panel Discussion 12:00 12:30
Lunch Break 12:30 13:30
Session 7: Ensuring service continuity
Chairman: Achim Vrielink (DB)
Cybersecurity, network integrity and continuity. Protect service and prevent intrusion. Protection against commercial changes
- Azenby Ltd and Zeata Security: Cybersecurity – Security considerations, Charles BROOKSON Chairman ETSI TC CYBER
- HitRail: Insuring security and continuity within Hermes VPN, Enrique RUIZ, Technical and Service manager
- Network Rail: End to end approach to Cybersecurity, Darren HEPBURN
- Infrabel: Security aspects Impacts on networks operation and design, Alex RAVIART
Q&A+ Panel Discussion 14:30 15:00
Session 8: Closing session
Chairman: Marc Antoni (UIC)
- Round table 15:00 15:30
- Conclusions 15:30 15:45
- Tombola 15:45 16:00